Ayurvedic Treatments & Therapies

Ayurvedic Herbal Facials

Ayurvedic Facial

Ayurveda Glow Facial

Ayurveda Glow Facial is a tailor made herbal facial for all skin types to make you glow inside out! This ayurvedic facial helps in calming the senses and relaxes facial muscles, releasing tension and making you feel fresh with a natural glow! Being suitable for all skin types, this facial brings out an instant natural glow with the goodness of ayurvedic properties.

🕒 45 Minutes 💰 1,500 āļŋ

Ayurvedic Honey Herbal Facial

Honey Herbal Facial

This ayurvedic facial is done by applying exclusive herbs and organic honey to rejuvenate the skin. Inspired by ayurveda, this herbal facial aids in reducing acne and fading scars and its natural benefits help in exfoliating and nourishing the skin. This facial also includes a special massage with the pressure points to improve blood circulation in facial nerves.

🕒 45 Minutes 💰 1,500 āļŋ

Book an Appointment!

At Suvarnaveda, we design ayurvedic treatments & therapies that treat the root cause of your illness. To avail our ayurvedic services in our spa located in Bangkok, book an appointment with us!